Monday, June 8, 2009

Adakah perut anda buncit?

At Hui Shian's birthday BBQ yesterday, Paul related to us this story that happened in the hospital he works at. It was a recent incident. About a Malay woman with 7 kids who went to the hospital to see the Doc.

Woman: I'm having stomach pain.

At first Doc figured it was probably a symptom from cirrhosis or something...but looking at the weird-kind-of-bloated tummy he became suspicious)

Doc: When did you last had sex?
Woman: It's been some time. I don't remember.
Doc: Err...okay. When was your last period?
Woman: I'm 7 months late. Doc, OMG, my tummy hurts like hell!

Now he is even MORE suspicious---So, then he checks her 'down there' and...

Doc: You're pregnant!
Woman: No, I am not pregnant! Who said so?!
Doc: I can see you're fully dilated and there's the baby's head!!

WTF?! You're already a mum to 7 kids and you still dunno how to notice that you are blardy P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T again now???!! So.UHH-Stupid okay!

The poor baby died before getting delivered due to his stupid, ignorant mummy!

Apparently having this baby was not gonna be a great idea for her, after all. Not because that she's already so poor feeding 7 kids now, but solely because this baby was a result from an affair she had with a foreign Bangladeshi worker-to her husband's horror! The baby would probably died being abused by his stepfather or something anyway; if he came out alive ---because according to Paul when the husband knew his wife was pregnant with a kid not his....he ACTUALLY came to the hospital, with his other family members, waiting to see his wife with get this: a parang!
Dunia oh dunia!

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