Saturday, May 16, 2009

Public Service Announcement @

As we have all know by now, the flu finally landed in Malaysia. With this, I pledge to do my part as a concerned citizen of the world and Malaysia, especially.

"All passengers on Malaysia Airlines flight MH091 from Newark, United States to Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Wednesday (May 13), are advised to contact the Health Ministry at 03-88810200 or 03-88810300 for follow-up action."
(Regardless whether or not you noticed any fever, sore throat and body aches before-hand)

Let's all play a part to curb it while we can. After all, it's for your own good as well!

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah we so need to hunt down those remaining missing passengers before they spread the virus to others... link me at wei li here by the way.
