Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Discoveries & Inventions

The man discovered COLORS and invented PAINT,

The woman discovered PAINT and invented MAKEUP. (Intelligent us!)

The man discovered the WORD and invented CONVERSATION,

The woman discovered CONVERSATION and invented GOSSIP. (Men gossip too, alrite?!)

The man discovered GAMBLING and invented CARDS,

The woman discovered CARDS and invented WITCHERY. (Not all witches do bad stuffs, I reckon)

The man discovered AGRICULTURE and invented FOOD,

The woman discovered FOOD and invented DIET. (Hello, Atkins Diet was invented by a dude!)

The man discovered FRIENDSHIP and invented LOVE,

The woman discovered LOVE and invented MARRIAGE. (I pity the one marrying this dude who created this shit!)

The man discovered TRADING and invented MONEY,

The woman discovered MONEY and invented SHOPPING. (Wtf?!)

Thereafter man has discovered and invented a lot of things…

While the women STUCK to shopping…. (and most men these days too!!!!!errrrrr!!!!!)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Butterfly, butterfly....Do You Know That You Carry My Dreams?

Many noticed how faded my leg tattoo became!(Yet again!) but luckily this time, I still got a free touch up session so I went to get it yesterday.
Apparently my tattooist said the ankle is a very difficult place for tattoo to stay on (wtf!) He said if only I approached him when I wanted to get my ankle tattoo....he would have definitely suggested elsewhere off the body. He believes the one that did my tattoo must have been a blardy amateur - well to me she's not 'must have been' but she 'definitely was'! Urgh, all the troubles I'm goin' thru now to beautify my ankle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's hope after this, it won't fade all that bad lar, please God!

Today didn't go as smooth as expected. DK was supposed to go for a special dinner. Evelyn was to cook Laksa and head to movie after. While having our usual MSN webchat, he suddenly had some complications that panicked me till I felt like peeing in my pants and instantly I cried like a baby cos I felt so useless---as a gf, I was there on MSN seeing him in pain but I cant do anything ELSE cos I'm farking so faraway from him!!!!!!!! Vivian came over to check on him and to be really assured, she took him to go to the hospital for an x-ray, and he was there since around 3pm(Aust) up till now 9pm! Oh wait, he just sms me!!!*rushes to the hp*.....X-ray is okay, but they wanna do more check/scan to see if there's other 'hidden' complications??? OMG-why him? DK is such a good guy who do lots of good things and treats everyone with LOVE, why you pick him to go thru all this?! He was always the healthy one, while I'm always the fat one who junks away, do U know what I mean, God? PLEASE BLESS MY BELOVED DK to be well again. PLEASE.

Chelsia Ng - Butterfly.MP3

Friday, July 24, 2009

What the ....!

Tell me this is not happening! My butterfly tattoo is turning back into a 12(wtf!)-legged spider, wtf, wtf, wtf!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


When DK and Evelyn told me how much the Australian KFC is 'just different' I was very much eager to try it on first-hand when I was there. True to what they say, it was - and for me, it only made me miss Malaysian KFC soon after tasting the Australian one! Something was NOT right for me - healthier it could be as clearly it was not as greasy, oily like the ones back in homeland but they were definitely lacking a certain spice, which I really can't figure out, just yet! (While eating, I even thought that, "Hell, my self-cooked Kentucky fried chicken easily beats this too!"

I craved Malaysian one alot till yesterday I finally got myself a good serve. Weeee~~~~~~

They even had a new menu on the line .... Say hello to KFC's Macaroni & Cheese

On ad...

The real-deal that Tiffany ordered!

Also their new breakfast menu!

Of course, what I have been yearning since a month.....KFC's Fried Chicken of Malaysia!!!! Glorious, yummylicious till it's really finger-lickin' good!

I am definitely more a fan towards Hungry Jack's than KFC anytime I'm in Melbourne, that's a fact:)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Wow what a long time hiatus - my last post was July 9th???WTF!Lol.

Can't blame la much as I wanted to blog my body felt too lazy to cooperate (in Melbourne) cos of the lazy, cold weather- all I wanted to do is zzz and I lost my blogging mood awhile (since I touched down good ol' Kay-El again) What do you expect when all I can think of is missing that someone so far away from me now, hoh?!

I'm feeling abit better since yesterday actually. Especially when DK reminded me to, "Take this trip back as holiday more than anything else." - since we'll be meeting again in October, of course. And all the more comforting is the fact that I came back to Malaysia mostly with souvenirs and fruit, minus all my clothes - which I left in Melbourne on PURPOSE, with DK's permission of course! ( Think about it, no use to bring all my stuffs up and down with me each time that I go over, if I'm gonna head there in the future might as well start unofficially make my shift there by now lor.....)

Two days before I departed, we made time to visit DK's Aunt Johanna and her husband, Uncle John (who is hilarious!) in their country home to celebrate their joint-birthday as well as to go up the mountain to have my first experience in the snow! FYI When DK moves in to his own home end of this year, he will be sharing it with them as well.

Upon reaching, we hurried off to go up Mount Donna Buang, which is like about a 15 mins ride from their place. It was so freezy there. I loved the snow, though too bad there were no snow falling from the sky at that very moment. Well, there's always next time-so I just took this trip to enjoy looking at those that already fell on the ground la, cincai lor....Snow still ma, haha!

DK reminded me to not drop the camera...but was that ACTUALLY a subliminal way telling me not to drop my clumsy-self off the tower??? LMAO

All snowed-in...

We are actually freezing in this shot but still wanna take photos! LOL

Naughty DK: We soooo got to get one pic of us doing this!
(HAHAHA-We are such kiss-whores eh???!! I'm not complaining cos I like it as much too!*shameless grin*)

I liked this picture of mine; candidly nice one! I'm WANT to just put it up here for the heck of it!:p

Daym, I think DK is au-naturale here, ! *Ally drools*

With Aunt Johanna (Uncle John 'shut' himself in the car citing the chill! Spoill-sport kan?:P)

The cute couple at home:

Hairdo can deceive you, becareful what you see....LOL

The cake we made for their birthday:)

Havoc sakan satu rumah!

DK clearly overloaded himself with food that day - he kept eating like a monster!

Us, after having a heavy session of eating:P

A day before I took flight, we went to tour the current exhibition at the Melbourne Museum, "A Day In Pompeii". We also spent time looking at the usual displays of the museum before we proceeded for Harry Potter: The Half-Blood Prince with DK's very cute cousin, James, and lovebirds: Frankie & Vivian. As expected, I slept somewhere between the movie, BUT not as bad as my previous sleeping-sessions during the previous years of HPs screening la where I can sleep from halfway of the movie till the end credit- this, I only dozed off like about 30 minutes???:P

James on the computer game//Boys will always be boys...

Some perasan dude just loves enter-framing!!!

Nothing much to talk about on my leaving day la, except I cried like a baby. Yes, I cried but so what if it makes me feel better, no?:P DK was acting 'tuff enough consoling me but then he bocor-ed to me on the phone (a day after I arrived Malaysia) that he actually WAITED for me to show up just for a little while after I entered the Departure Hall, to which I didn't. So after about 5 minutes, he walked off....with tears in his eyes. He stood awhile at a nearby spot; not bothered about the rest of people around him, cried like a baby (I guess) and later drove home; back to his now-empty,quiet,no-Ally apartment/bedroom...October awaits.

A month of living together changes thing. In my case, for the better. What about you, baby?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Timeless Ordinary

Busy eh? More likely I've been lazy! So lazy till I zzz all the more often - I have been doing TOO MUCH of it! LOL It must be the weather in Melbourne or something. Like serious zzz-ing okay?!!! I get on the bed I zzz, I spend some time on the computer and I zzz off the table, I get in the car and in about few minutes I can zzz off too! Wtf.
Anyway... yesterday DK took me to this tourist spot; Sovereign Hill at Ballarat, which was about 2 hours journey from Camberwell. It's a unique place for visit. Why unique? Cos this is the place where it was once known for its gold mines and you get to relive and experience the past yourself - Gold mines aside, people there were even interestingly dressed, as if they were still in the 1800s! So colonial feeling.

We joined a 45mins underground tour which was to me, the hilite of the day! It exposed us to how men in those days worked their butt off so hard and risked their health/life underground for the sake of finding gold for their fortune-seeking employer! Quite pitiful when I try to imagine myself in their state of life. Something so completely different and bizarre to what my life is. When things a little slack in life we start complaining, but these men just didn't have that priviledge to, especially not during that time where they probably have so many mouths to feed in their family. And their pay was if I'm not mistaken, like a pound. An hour/day is alrite I guess cos a pound equates to AUS$500 today but if its a's hard life you know.

The church at the hills.

People going about doin' daily chores in their 'home'.

They even have school for their kids too -this is how the classroom looks like.

Need your meat supplies? Mana butcher ah?

Town police.

At the reception for the underground tour
At the cafeteria.
The 'villagers'

Some talented people in the town .

Theatre on the street
Some high-ranked 'officer'
Herbs-selling lady.
The town
(very back in time, but slacked a little thanks to tourist like us, all-dorned in modern wear, lol)

At the bakery
A town-girl selling pastries by the corridor of a shop

The soldiers in march.

Time, Will You Hold?

"I don't wanna leave HOME."

Today marks a week exactly before I'm set to fly back home to Malaysia. Though I still have days before that, but I'm already feeling gloomy for the past two days or so. One month just whisked easily away, no??? I'm gonna miss many things I seen/experienced here for sure, but mostly I'm only feeling low cos I am gonna miss DK alot, til he gets back to Malaysia in August (tho it's a bit shitty the fact that he's only there for 9 days and he has got no choice but to get back to Melbourne/work soonafter- well POSITIVITY is the least I still be seeing him in October and be stuck with him for a little much longer; 3 mths) *forces a smile out now*

I'm gonna miss annoyance...

I'm gonna miss poyoness...

I'm gonna miss silly...

I'm gonna miss mischief...

I'm gonna miss happy...

I'm gonna miss loving company...

I'm gonna miss messing-up...

... Yes, I'm gonna miss wasting moments like this too (unfortunately!)